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  1. K

    HOH what should i do

    I wouldn't date him. If he makes fun of you or testing you...I wouldn't date him. I'll tell him get a life and find someone else if you can't accept. I have been with my for almost 5 years, sometimes if I had made mistakes on my language, he would tell me I am saying this wrong, fix it. He...
  2. K

    Ohio school shooting

    That is where I practically grew up when my grand parents were alive. It is sad to know some of student's that I knew and some of my riding students attend to school there - it is tragedy that TJ have no respect towards to the grieving students, friends and parents.
  3. K

    Northeast Ohio

    Hey, I'm from north east ohio, I'm hearing impaired myself. located 50 miles west from Cleveland Ohio. I would like to get deaf meet up / deaf night out. Only problem is - I don't want to drive 50 miles to Cleveland to meet up all the time.
  4. K

    Hello! I'm new!

    Hi, I am new to alldeaf! My name is Kelley Ogle, :lol: I own two-three businesses; Horse Farm & Then Embroidery, Printing, Signs & then creating another small business - custom making halters & dog collars, etc. I am located in northeast Ohio, I would love to meet new people around...