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  1. 0

    my daughters CI activation is tomorrow

    audree went deaf when she was a little over 1 yr old. completely. she has absolutely NO response to ANY decimal of sound. we had been doing ASL ever since she was born though because she didn't want to wear her hearing aids all the time. even when she can hear we will continuw ASL/ i love...
  2. 0

    Cochlear Implant advise

    this is where i need to be. my daughter is 3. she got implanted last month and is beaing activatedtomorrow. i got on here because i heard the deawf community was very against it. what does everyone think?
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    my daughters CI activation is tomorrow

    i've met so many people that are deaf recently and they all ask why i know sign if i can hear. i tell them my daughter is deaf but is getting (now has) a CI. they all get furious and say i'm changing how god wants her to be. i've been looking it up online and prople seem to think what im doing...
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    my daughters CI activation is tomorrow

    she is 3 and way implanted last month. recently, i learned that the deaf community is very against this.... why?