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  1. kittykathy

    Gallaudet dorm and new student needs. Can you help?

    Hi thanks. I am happy you both replied and agree I maybe need to contact Beca if a laptop may be required! If you know anything about laptops, like good brands and what not to get let me know.
  2. kittykathy

    Can People Who Were Born Deaf Appreciate Music?

    Hmmm....could be? You know sometimes art including music can be even more interesting seen in a way not thought of by the artist. Anyway any person enjoys the world around him is something lovely and should not be discounted. Yeah I am sure peeps do assume one must hear every word and sound to...
  3. kittykathy

    Gallaudet dorm and new student needs. Can you help?

    Hi! I am going to Gally in fall! I have been told Carlin Hall is good. Also dorms are small and beds hard. What do I need for first night then? I know sheets and pillows but a matress pad is too big for a plane! What appliances can be acceptable? Personal blender? The weather too...
  4. kittykathy

    Hard of hearing teen girl

    Like I wrote to another teen here, you can check online to see if there are local deafchats. Also on facebook it is amazing how fast one deaf friend becomes ten! :) Practice sure is hard when nobody wants to but you..that's my problem. Luckily my besties who are deafies love me so much they are...
  5. kittykathy

    Hard of hearing teen girl

    Oh! Don't fear anything but fear itself! I am a grown up and newly hoh but I am blessed to have met wonderful deaf friends where I live. Some were hoh or hearing as a kid. I believe when you associate with happily deaf and hoh peeps of all ages it helps a lot! Online you can search your...
  6. kittykathy

    Do you guys embrace your hearing loss/deafness?!

    Wow!! You said it all. Totally inspiring. *applause* I am newly HOH and daily learning that its okay to be who God made me. I was ok being hearing, but being fake hearie isn't worth it. After the comments from another student when I heard wrong several times( solved instantly when prof wrote...
  7. kittykathy

    Do you guys embrace your hearing loss/deafness?!

    Um...he didn't quote as there are no quotation marks. Also, why did you name call him a 'militant' when all he did was openly express his not understanding why a deaf mom and dad who undy deafness would fear their own child being deaf too. It is a fair statement, not a personal attack on you...
  8. kittykathy

    Can People Who Were Born Deaf Appreciate Music?

    Huh. It is funny but most hearing friends ask "what about music? Won't you miss it when you go deaf? Its so sad they can't hear music, they don't know what they are missing!" I am now curious why that is always what hearing people are most concerned about. I think seeing signed cheers and...
  9. kittykathy

    Do you guys embrace your hearing loss/deafness?!

    Hi! This is my very first post! :) I grew up hearing. I first saw sign language at sunday school at Brush Prairie Baptist Church in Washington when an older deaf girl had two interpreters. I must tell you I am weird not typical girl. I thought she was like royalty with the two lady seving her...