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  1. S

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    To me the VP is a phone....its called VIDEO PHONE! Tey have it for cellphones for even hearing people these days before it was turned into a special device for deaf people. afterall like someone else said....ask your hubby what P in VP stands for!!!!
  2. S

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Sorry it was meant for a comment, but it was supposed to add to it, and it didn't....the "But but But yer deaf...." comments :deaf:
  3. S

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    The one I dispise the most is, I make jewelry, I have a son, I drive a car, and do all kinds of things, and people go, "You're deaf! How cna you drive?" Just like a hearing person can, a foot on the gas pedal, hands on teh steering wheel and driving "Wait, a deaf person made this necklace...
  4. S

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    That happens ALLL The time to me!