Search results

  1. M

    Keyboard shortcuts

    You can right click with the button next to Alt on the right side... The little menu button...
  2. M

    chrome os fail

    ... Who uses Chrome OS?
  3. M

    Fear! We (and our laptops) could get thrown out of Starbucks?!

    True dat. I would make a limit on computers in the cafe. :hmm: If one was open for 6am-9pm, I would keep free wifi on for 9am-2pm. That's only 3 hours of freeloaders. :naughty:
  4. M

    do you think so best antivirus

    Free, I would say AVG. Norton is VERY annoying to me. If you want a paid one, I recommend McAfee Total Protection. It saved me from viruses for 3 years.
  5. M

    Did anyone download movies from Netflix?

    You used a tool to download from a paid service, and it says in netflix's Terms of Use, you cannot download the content ever or copy their DVD's for commerical uses.