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  1. jenniepepsi

    any way this is connected?

    aww i have a large italian nose too. im italian and german mixed. and i got the large wide italian nose with the 'ball' at the tip :P i HATE it. and the broken part of it makes it look even worse.
  2. jenniepepsi

    any way this is connected?

    i dont think i have cranial facial issues. my deviated septum is from when i was about 6 and my mom broke my nose. but she didnt know it was broken, so it just stayed like that. and when it looked broken, i never got to go back to the doctor. i only touched base about my septum with my ENT...
  3. jenniepepsi

    any way this is connected?

    mmm i do end up with a lot of sinus infections, whats an eustachian tube? part of the ear? im not sure if i have that problem. i hear just the same when sick as i do when well.
  4. jenniepepsi

    any way this is connected?

    i have a deviated septum. and i never really thought about it, but i do know that the ears, nose and throat are all connected. could something having to do with my septum be interfering with my hearing ability?
  5. jenniepepsi

    How did you handle your deafness/hoh while growing up?

    dont let your parents get you down hon. mine did the same thing when i dropped out. i have my GED now too. good job getting yours! :)
  6. jenniepepsi

    I was wondering if someone could help me?

    ok i will ask. i dont know what the test was for. he sent me to the audiologist, and gave me paperwork to get blood work done and the MRI. im not sure what they were for. i thought it costs 5c a sheet to get your medical records. until i find work (phlebotomy) i cant afford that yet. unless...
  7. jenniepepsi

    How did you handle your deafness/hoh while growing up?

    *hugs* im sorry you had to deal with that too. for me instead of tissues, it was usually something in her way that she wanted moved (usually something SHE put there in the first place) im glad you left your family too. ill be almost 1000 miles away from them all once i am able to afford to move.
  8. jenniepepsi

    I was wondering if someone could help me?

    thank you so much for all of this. im gonna answer everything IN your quote with purple k? OH and i almost for got that they also did an MRI. i had to have an open one cause of anxiety in the big tube. and the ENT said it came back normal. im not sure if that helps.
  9. jenniepepsi


    I am for it. I probably would not be in one, but im not against it and i may consider it. i dont think its wrong. as long as all parties are in agreement. now this is NOT to say i agree with the polygamy groups you hear about in the news, where they sexually abuse children and marry their...
  10. jenniepepsi

    Hearing people on alldeaf

    eeew i may have to wait then. i just finished school (phlebotomy) and still looking for work so no money yet :( im sure i probably have time. given that my hearing keeps getting worse and worse (as far as i can tell) i may need it one day. but not soon i dont think (hope)
  11. jenniepepsi

    Hearing people on alldeaf

    ooo thank you hon!!! that looks like he makes it fun too! and not just text book work like others i found. you know, i even recognize some of them! kinda like an eerie blast from the past, i can remember in 3rd grade doing "silent night" in sign language for the Christmas thing at school!
  12. jenniepepsi

    How did you handle your deafness/hoh while growing up?

    I havent been able to hear good all my life. but only just recently had a doctor look into it. growing up, i was always in trouble, my mom (abusive) always used it as a reason for beating me up. "why dont you ever listen to me" 'why do you ignore me all the time" ect (only meaner, using curse...
  13. jenniepepsi

    Hearing people on alldeaf

    I can hear, and i thought i was hearing normal. but im not. so im not completely deaf. but i DO want to find a way to take ASL classes. i tried looking online for free classes, and they arent very good.
  14. jenniepepsi

    I was wondering if someone could help me?

    I have medicaid (state insurance) and they dont cover hearing aids for adults, only children. which is good in case a child needs it, but sucky for adults. but with the state insurance, i dont have to worry about the cost of the doctor or tests. they will find out whatever is wrong, and if...
  15. jenniepepsi

    I was wondering if someone could help me?

    Ok, so this isnt sudden. ever since they started testing us in elementary school (around 3rd grade once a year, im 27 years old now) with the headphones and basic 'push the button when you hear a sound' sorta thing, they always sent home notes to my mom that said i needed to see the doctor about...
  16. jenniepepsi

    I was wondering if someone could help me?

    Ok now that i can post replies, give me a moment and i will answer everyones questions. but first, thank you all so much for your support and help! i think i am going to like it here :) i even saw in the support section someone who also has a love for Pepsi. but their name is only 'Pepsi'
  17. jenniepepsi

    so how do i...

    *GASP* yay!!!!
  18. jenniepepsi

    so how do i...

    lol lets see if it will let me now
  19. jenniepepsi

    so how do i...

    how do i get my post number up if i cant reply lol. wouldnt it be spammy for me to just make 20 new threads? :giggle::giggle::giggle::laugh2:
  20. jenniepepsi


    It seems i can make new posts just fine. i just cant reply to any of them :(