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  1. R

    So how can I have a music player that has a "lyric" feature?

    Thank's a bunch bbaseballboy! :ty: I just installed the Winamp version. This is going to be very helpful.
  2. R

    Lip reading accents...

    Some people are hard to understand through a thick accent even for the hearing. I have trouble with the old timers here in Kentucky even in good conditions when I should be able to hear them OK. Like they have a mouth full of marbles. BTW: How are you folks speech-reading the still photos of...
  3. R

    Hello alldeaf

    Call me Ranandar or Randy I am 55, been HOH since youth, now moving on to extra HOH. I have severe tinnitus and no hearing at 4KHz. I lipread subconsciously, now as an adult maybe more consciously. It helps to fill in the gaps understanding speech you know. I don't have a H.A. (yet)...