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  1. SilentRiver

    The role of non-deaf/hoh hearing disabilities in the deaf community

    Hi! Okay so I've heard a lot of disagreement about what role, if any, non-deaf/hoh, hearing-related disabilities have in the deaf/hoh community. I have auditory processing disorder severe enough that I sometimes feel more comfortable in the deaf community than the hearing one. I've heard people...
  2. SilentRiver

    Ever talk to yourself?

    I have conversations with myself, and full blown arguments. I also sign entire conversations to myself! And sometimes I find myself thinking in sign as well as words! O.o Anybody else find that?
  3. SilentRiver

    Hi! :)

    Hello! I'm new to this site, and I just wanted to say "hey". I am hearing, but I have severe Auditory Processing Disorder so I often prefer to sign rather than speak. I have not been trained in ASL, but I use a set of loosely ASL-based home signs, and I really want to learn proper ASL. So...