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  1. mb6488

    New guy here....

    fishin on truckee is fun and its good weather for fishing too : )
  2. mb6488

    New guy here....

    welcome biotosin!!!!!! look forward to chatting with you : )
  3. mb6488


    cool, yeah my asl is allright but its pretty basic. alot of hearing people think its just about moving your hands but theres so much more to it than that
  4. mb6488


    ive had hearing loss since birth my parents thought i was being a smart alec because i would always say " huh" or " what i didnt hear you" but i got tested when i was 12 and officially diagnosed. I interact with people and live my life like a hearing person I know some asl though schooling and...
  5. mb6488


    dragon man- i have some hearing loss but pretty much im a hearing person and sure ill chat w you dr. phil. yeah i recognised most of the names i love the score goldsmith did for the mummy that was a good one
  6. mb6488


    hermaans violins in psyco were legendary, u have good taste in movie scores Dr phil!
  7. mb6488


    y i am bored i am bored bacause we arent really doing n e thing terribly exciting for this weekend an my mom napped away most of the day and im in between jobs right now. um i have a bunch of hobbies cooking, reading, im a huge movie buff. i have a bit bull great dane mix.
  8. mb6488


    hi! hope everyones having a good weekend im bored and just thought i drop by and say hi!:wave:
  9. mb6488


    hahahahaha good job all of you its my initials miranda b an my b-DAY
  10. mb6488


  11. mb6488

    Court reporters helping deaf students.

    I was in school for court reporting and attended a seminar for court reporters who transcribe for deaf students normally at the college level. The way this works is a court reporter would type on a machine in shorthand and it would come out in realtime english on the students computer like...
  12. mb6488


    :wave: just joined to make new friends and learn more about the deaf culture for a class im taking. hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a nice summer. look forward to talking to some new fun interesting friends : )