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  1. P

    VRS For Mac Users (Finally)

    I realize this isn't new news but for all you Mac users out there, VRS is now a reality. Hands On has the only product that I'm aware of that provides VRS services on my OS X based Mac. Simply add hovrsIM to your iChat A/V buddy list and you're good to go. Oh yea, you do need to have high...
  2. P

    HOVRS and GoAmerica Merging

    GA and HOVRS = Good Deal! Combining GoAmerice and their i711 IP relay service with Hands On and their VRS service is a great combo. Looks like their products are complimentary and so it could be a match made in heaven. I love the new i711 service and have always been a big users of HOVRS.
  3. P

    Quality of Interpreter @ SorensonVRS

    qwerty123 you're so right on that one. Sorenson does get royalty for each dlink but not nearly what they get from vrs so I'm sure they would much rather give out a free vp100 and capture the vrs minutes than get the small royalty off of dlink i2eye. With the street price of the dlink being so...
  4. P

    Sorenson's position on FCC

    Dennis, Hey I agree with you 100%. It's great to be strongly in favour of something but that doesn't mean you have to bash the others. The best thing that could happen to VRS is good compitition. It helps all of us.
  5. P

    HOVRS Offers Expanded Hours and Live CC

    Yep your right but that doesn't mean people know about it.
  6. P

    Sorenson's position on FCC

    qwerty123 - Based on your biased and blatently untrue statements in favour of Sorenson and against all other VRS providers I take it that you are on the payroll of Sorenson.
  7. P

    Sorenson's position on FCC

    I'm not sure what Deaf258's been smoke'n but it must be good stuff. It's pretty easy to make a broad stroke statement like you did but where are the facts and details to back it up? I hope and doubt other VRS companies will be obsolete at year's end because competition is good for all VRS users.
  8. P

    HOVRS Offers Expanded Hours and Live CC

    Just saw a press release from Hands On (HOVRS) that they have expanded their hours of operation and also are offering live customer support. See the press release at
  9. P

    Quality of Interpreter @ SorensonVRS

    You can get a free VP from Hands On (HOVRS) too. Better to get HOVRS free VP then you have choice on which VRS to use. Not locked in like with Sorenson.
  10. P

    Who is the Best VRS provider?

    By far Hands On (HOVRS) is the best service. They offer the widest range of ways to connect. I can use my PC with a web cam via their website, or I can use my DLink VP (same as Sorenson VP-100) which I got for free from HOVRS, or I can connect via AIM on my PC. I also understand...
  11. P

    $orenson owns

    I agree as long as they let people know that they own it. Most people think it is an independent site. More Sorenson trickery at work here.