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  1. C

    New hearing aids.

    Totally agree!! I learned my lesson. :rofl: I know...I get comments like...did you hear that?? where is that radio coming from? And when I told the person that it was my hearing aid they said," Wow, I didn't know you could get a radio with your hearing aids :rofl: too funny!!! forgive me...
  2. C

    New hearing aids.

    I am pretty new to wearing ha's ( about 2 1/2 yrs.) When I first got them,I mistakenly thought that the more expensive the better. My first ha's where Beltone's state of the art digitals(I forget the name..orion or something?) and where more expensive than my car! I fiddled with them for...
  3. C

    Hearing Aids and the phone *dun dun dun*

    I have digital bte's and I can't use a cell phone at all. I find that with cordless phones that I have to move the phone around alot to find the right "place" and even with doing that, I still hear a slight buzzing noise. And boy, talking on the phone and being near a computer or T.V. , or...
  4. C


    Hey thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I live in B.C. Bullym0m, quite a ways from you. I did spend 3 months in your beautiful province around the Orillia area. I loved it.
  5. C


    [Obviously new here. Greetings from Canada!! :wave: (Oh, I am a mother of 2 and I have ottosclerosis in both ears with about 20% hearing.)