Search results

  1. M

    Cool Alarm Clock

    I never had a Sonic Boom vibration alarm clock in my entire life until I came across the picture that I google on the web. I am heavy sleeper and I can't afford to be late for my job. I'm looking for the best vibration and reasonable price alarm clock that will wake me up in the morning...
  2. M

    Do and Don't before and after surgery

    Can anyone list of Do's and Don't before or after surgery? Example: Do kiss your spouse before surgery. Don't take asprin for two weeks before surgery. Don't drink alcohol or smoke for 2 weeks before surgery. Don't play video game after surgery because your eyes will be crossing...
  3. M


    What is the best ointment brand to use after CI surgery? Does it heal your scar fast? :hmm: Polysporin, Bacitracin, Neosporin, peanut butter and jelly or similar antibiotic ointment