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  1. M

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    What i dislike about 'hearies' is the way they blank you (when they know you are deaf) they don't make the effort of turning to face you so that you can lip read them. The way they can chat to another 'normal person' forget about you and leave you standing there left out, and you just can't...
  2. M

    Excuse me.... Shopping

    the shop assistants... I get so fed up with the shop assistants trying to talk to me and of course I just don't hear and then they think I'm blanking them and being rude. As if its my fault!
  3. M


    Hello everyone. I'm Marie age 32. I have been deaf almost all my life.(I had whooping cough when I was 4 and a half and lost 70% of my hearing because of this) I have two children who both hear fine. I'm here because I would like to talk to other deaf people. I've never really seen or been able...