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  1. hakanolgun

    Idiots are a dime a dozen....

    arctic life is in the hand of unti-enviromentalists, who can stop it, really bad.
  2. hakanolgun

    Cameron Douglas sentence to five years for drugs

    poor douglas money and being famous did not save his son, this is his lesson, hope he gets A+
  3. hakanolgun

    Cops: Cat Ate Bird, Man Killed Cat

    ones I saved life of a pigeon after attecked by a strret cat, actually it was his lunch, I took the pigeon and, tried, looked after, unfortunatelly he died ... Then I thought I shouln't disturb nature, it is the way it goes. try to show more mercy is not the true mercy
  4. hakanolgun

    Nannycam Video Lands Babysitter In Jail

    it is not good, why happens, I hope this is the last one, really sad :(
  5. hakanolgun

    No more Hitler parodies on Youtube :(

    you is forbidden legally in my country, so hitler is yours, enjoy
  6. hakanolgun

    Mass Extinctions? Frogs, Then Bees, and Now Bats

    again intelligent control on his job, truly it is wow!
  7. hakanolgun

    Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull Volcano

    amazing pictures, this event will stop global warming, I think It will decrease global temperature, we r under control :)