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    LOL. :giggle: I have read better fanfic from X Files Shippers. I mean I don't want to sound like a hater cause I understand its a teen flick, but I kind of think this author is overrated... at least by her fans though. And she should learn more about overusing adjectives and how painful they are...
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    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien and Literature: an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (third edition) :hmm:
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    Mine is Cloverfield and I am so sorry to say, it sucked.
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    children of a lesser god.. about a deaf who was held hostage.. and your name is jonah.. about a deaf boy these are all award-winning movies.. i believe
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    Anti-Twilight Discussion *WARNING!: Spoilers*

    so was it really fun and great that everyones' keeping their mouth shut? im getting really so curious with twilight.. i just saw the book on one of our malls here in our place and the covers made me more curious.. :) hmmmm
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    Your Best Pick Up Line

    :naughty: You and me, we're like subject and predicate. We complete a thought. :shrug::ugh:
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    Other Science Fiction shows' fans?

    Amen to that. I saw the first episode of Fringe and it did appear like it was (sorry for the word) ripped off from XFiles. The dynamics between the two protagonists in Fringe (not including the Doctor/Father who could be Cigarette Smoking Man or AD Skinner in X Files) is nothing compared to...