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  1. L


    you got right point!!! same as my feeling we stay stronger and pateince as much as we can...
  2. L


    i dont think so... but my family try brainwash Jason...Jason had friends who r deaf which i know them in whole my life.. not hang out with them at all.. two guy da he really pretty know them they wear hearing aide n talk pretty good thats might problem make Jason think i need that one too or...
  3. L


    oh yeah im more closer to Jason more than my family cuz HEs more understand and willing do anyhing for me what i need...My family really like Jason a lot cuz i dont listen my family stuff like that...Hes willin learn sign ...I need more responabile to teach him more i was kinda lazy to teach...
  4. L


    I choice CI when i was 4.. i was copy cat to my best friend Amy she got her CI... i told grandma i want one same as her... at time i didnt know what is CI for.... i had CI since 4 i stop wear CI at 12 bec attend deaf school it made me werid and want stop use it.. wnt make me feel stupid...
  5. L


    i been witin with my heairn man for a year.. im pretty hang out with hearing people in whole of my life.. Jason is great man to me... my problem is i didnt eager teach him ASL till after like 4 months dating I bring my closer deaf friend n i hang out Jason notice us sign a lot more than...
  6. L

    Hi Yall

    Im Tiffani...21 legally baby!!...livin New Orleans area....datin hearing lovely man,Jason for a year...proud mother hearin lovely country son,JJ. Hes just turn 4 years old this huge fan of nhra...outgoing..stuff like that you name it... Any question feel free scream my name :-) :wave: