Search results

  1. M

    How do you cope with Separation/Divorce?

    It's hard. I know personally. I was married, but in the end I was the one who left. As I look back on it all I wonder why I even got married. It wasn't my idea, it was his, and in the end, he was lieing to me everyday of our marriage. It's a very hurtful situation when you thought you had...
  2. M

    Who is single here?

    I was married for just under two years. I have been seperated since June and will be offically divorced in Febuary of 2009.
  3. M

    HOH and unsure why

    I am new to joining. Someone pointed me in the direction of this website, so I thought I would give it a try. I am inbetween worlds right now. I am 23 and going deaf for no apparent reason. No doctor can tell me why I am losing my hearing. I have had an MRI, CT scan (both with contrast dye)...