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  1. S

    Not My Own

    No, I've written poems before that, but it's one of my better ones. At least, that's what I want to think. I wrote that in 2005. I don't know how many poems I've written. I'm too disorganized. But one of my favorite types of poems are haikus. They're short, and they don't have to rhyme...
  2. S

    Not My Own

    I love to write as well, and I am also writing books. Two of them at the same time. Originally I was only writing one, but I was given a short story assignment. It was about three pages, front and back, but I didn't finish the story line because I ran out of time. I asked some of my friends...
  3. S

    Last Movie You Watched?

    Dead Poet's Society, I think. It was ok.
  4. S

    What's your favorite kind of gum??

    I like the "ice cubes" gum, but I don't know who makes them. My favorite flavors are dragonfruit and cinnamon.
  5. S

    Wii Fit

    I have wii fit, and I think my favorite exercise is the stepping exercise.
  6. S

    Not My Own

    I wrote this a couple of years ago. I don't like being told what to write, so I decided to write about that. The italicized words are the ten vocabulary words I used. Plz let me know what you think. Not My Own I write this poem not as an assignment, but to express, my distress at...
  7. S

    What's your favorite quotes?

    "Reach for the moon, and if you fall you'll land among the stars."
  8. S


    I'm hearing and currently learning ASL. I think it's a beautiful language. I signed up to learn more about the Deaf community. I don't actually know anybody that's deaf or hoh, though.