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  1. Rcwsgurl

    Driving Defense Classes

    Hello Question.... Anyone know any site for the discount for the deaf like driving defense classes.... then take the defense class then later get discount paper and bring to your insurance and then get discounted for less anyone has a site for that if yes please post it for me so i can get...
  2. Rcwsgurl

    What state do you think the best?

    state Well States doesnt matter.... as long as have a roof over the heads to keep safe and well... that all matter. as for me I rather live in the hot climate. But whatever goes i accept as long as i have a roof over my head and can afford to keep a place and food to feed the stomaches safe...
  3. Rcwsgurl

    Britney Spears To Wed Again!?

    Spears Im pretty much sure that britney wants to marry someone so she can have the wills of the person when the person dies u know, she seems a stuck up girl who wants $$$. I dont think she is stabled for marriage she seems like a child in some way of the style and getting herself confused...
  4. Rcwsgurl

    Britney Spears To Wed Again!?

    Britney Spears Ah i am not in the likeing of Spears. I dont like her Clothes style.. Its role model for little girls to look up and want to be in the style and its somewhat inapropiate. I would never let my girls have that kind of role model. I know some girls look up to spears but she has to...
  5. Rcwsgurl

    Bush or Kerry? And WHY?

    about bush or kerry Ummm.. i dont know who to vote cuz i am behind news about them.... but i do hear bout one of them wants to cut the disablities income and things like that and make it harder on people i have noticed those kind of presidents care bout rich people, rich people are not...
  6. Rcwsgurl

    Do you believe this site ??

    believe in death clock no i dont believe in the death clock, Cuz cannot tell the future. because i never said my real name or my real ss or things like that it just know my dob and what i was and things like that u know blah blah.. but hope to god that never true tho. i would love to live long...
  7. Rcwsgurl

    Emergency- Can Someone Help????????

    LuckySmile23 Hello LuckySmile23 I was searching through this and over saw this message of Help... I see that he says he will kill himself and u want to be friends with him... what i think you should do for his safety send a mental person to him to make him stay at the mental hospital...