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  1. V

    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    Yep...US imperialism in the Middle East has always been naked and brutal.
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    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    US-backed Shah was given refuge to US after 25 years of tyrannical rule (supported by the CIA) that resulted in the killing of thousands of Iranians who opposed the US puppet government. Iranians demanded his extradition to Iran to face justice but the US rejected their request and the hostage...
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    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    Get your facts straight. There are many gay people in Iran and they are just hiding. Iranian student to Ynet: We do have gay people - Israel News, Ynetnews
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    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    That's my point. No need to repeat. :roll:
  5. V

    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    It's pointless to discuss with someone who is brainwashed by US and Israeli propaganda.
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    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    Check my recent post.
  7. V

    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat must be either naive or pro-israel. Check them out; Israel's Crimes against Palestinians: War Crimes, Crimes Against.. (by Francis Boyle) - Media Monitors Network Informed Comment: Israeli Atrocity on Gaza Civilians Israel Guilty of War Crimes in Gaza: UN Israeli War Crimes in...
  8. V

    Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

    Thanks, jillio. :-)
  9. V

    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    Then Israel shouldn't have nuclear plants & bombs too. :-) Israelis are robbing, killing and raping Palestinians over there as we speak.
  10. V

    Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

    Writers can be biased sometimes, dumbass.
  11. V

    Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

    Who wrote it? :D
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    Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

    You and many others failed to realize that Nazi doctors and other medical personnel were part of a command structure that permitted, encouraged, and sometimes orchestrated the torture and killings that they became the norm - with which they were expected to comply. They should hold the command...
  13. V

    Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

    Do you have a proof that he killed the elders (80+)? There are more important things to worry about with issues going on today, like gas prices, economy, and terrorism. Quit dwelling on the past. :roll:
  14. V

    Iraq: Stay or Leave?

    The Bush-Cheney's military occupation of Iraq is doubly illegitimate, besides having been illegal from day one according to international law. First, most Americans want American soldiers out of Iraq. Second, most Iraqis also want American soldiers out of their country. The irony is that the...
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    Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

    He's 94 years old and hauling him before a court *now* would be utterly meaningless. Life has already taken its toll on him. Silly.
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    Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

    Iran has the right to enrich uranium for peaceful uses. There is absolutely no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. The accusations that Iran has "nuclear weapon ambitions" are ridiculous at best.