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  1. RachelCH

    Interior Design Project

    There is an episode of Extreme Home Makeover that was a Deaf family with a blind/autistic kid and a hearing kid. Very interesting. They spent a LOT of money making it high tech and they had an open floor plan. You should check it out. It was so cool! I think it was probably 2 years ago. I...
  2. RachelCH

    Got 'phobia

    LOL- is that for real? I LOVE GARLIC! Lucky my husband does not have this phobia. LOL. >>Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic.
  3. RachelCH

    Got 'phobia

    I am pregnant, and they only needed one blood test. That's all. They told me about 2 other tests, but they were optional. I said "no thanks."
  4. RachelCH

    Which do you prefer? Pls rspnd!

    Thanks. We are deciding how to best minister with A.S.L., so our needs are different than hard-of-hearing and oral Deaf. We do provide sermon notes, and the songs have words on the screen- but we are looking for a better way to reach Deaf who depend on ASL.
  5. RachelCH

    No book thread? What are you reading!

    I read the Bible (FREE in ASL on-line! Deaf Missions: Home) I prefer many different versions. and new book: Beyond the Soiled Curtain. It's about India and their "sex trade" (forced prostitution) Wow- very surprising and sad.
  6. RachelCH

    Which do you prefer? Pls rspnd!

    That's okay. I am just curious for anyone, what is their preference. Doesn't matter religion or whatever. Thanks :ty:
  7. RachelCH

    Your choice of President

    Mine is closest to Huckabee and McCain. Farthest from Obama. I know I voted for the right person!! :)
  8. RachelCH

    Which do you prefer? Pls rspnd!

    Hi all, I am new here. I want to ask a question: What is your preferred church style? We are discussing here at my church. Right now, we have 9AM Deaf Sunday School and 10:30 interpreted service w/ hearing. But Deaf don't want interpret. I think we will change now: I ask: please can you...
  9. RachelCH

    College student-- first semester of ASL!

    Hey! I grew up in the great flat land of IL. (Still here, too!) Welcome. :-) I'm a newbie, and hearing, too.
  10. RachelCH

    How Do You Count Cash?

    No, no. Cash is dangerous! ;-) I prefer debit card.
  11. RachelCH

    New here from IL

    Hi! My name is Rachel, I'm hearing. :-O Please accept me. :fingersx: LOL. I am a pastor for the Deaf, and also I interpret in hearing church here. I was a teacher for D/HH until 2005. Then I became a pastor. I love it, and I love the Deaf community- you all! Hi to all! :-D