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  1. K

    Something shocking and creepy, deaf wannabes, pretenders and others

    Anne Lawrence ( :rl: ) is a man who is an autognephile. That is, they are sexually excited at the idea of being a woman or having female genitals or going through the transition. They are more closely related to transfestic fetishism and not gender identity disorder. I'm biased because...
  2. K

    Something shocking and creepy, deaf wannabes, pretenders and others

    Anne Lawrence is a crackpot. Do not believe hir! Please read and related pages: They are VERY comprehensive!
  3. K

    Something shocking and creepy, deaf wannabes, pretenders and others

    Hi again. My sex change wasn't tremendously painful (but my family has a lot of pain tolerance). I wish I could have children but I didnt want to be a father to do it. I don't think GID should be in the DSM. But I can see why it could be: GID is a physical problem (improper brain) but the...
  4. K

    Something shocking and creepy, deaf wannabes, pretenders and others

    *Sigh* All this because I started a blog. I really don't care if people like me or if they don't. I'm only after my own peace of mind and contentment in life. I also don't care of people think I'm crazy or stupid or insane. People email me and post comments to my blog calling me those...