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  1. R

    Hello All! I have some ?'s

    i say let your son decide for himself, it is his life. im not deaf but i watched a video about those implants and heard from both the deaf and hearing side about the aid and a little girl who had it said it didnt work all the time, they miss a couple words in the conversation
  2. R

    i have questions

    i say, if you can understand him then leave it dont worry about correcting him, you can also ask him if he minds you correcting him
  3. R

    The guy that sits next to me.

    you should, you shouldn't put up for that, if he continues then tell your boss or something and have him deal with it
  4. R

    Dating Question...

    well not quite, the reason i started getting into learning sign and about the deaf culture is becaus ei have babysat twin deaf boys, i still baby sit them and it is easier because i have been learning at school and on my own, you and your b/f should help teach her sign, it would be a great thing...
  5. R

    please help

    thank you :cool: , anyone else have any information for me?
  6. R

    please help

    i am asking this question on here since it seems i didn't get a lot of help in introduce yourself so i hope i have better luck here, i am 17 years old, hearing, and a junior at my high school. currently my school teaches sign language and im in my second year of learning and ill be turning 18 in...
  7. R

    big ?!!!!!!!!! on making a deaf baby?

    sorry if this isnt what you ment having a baby that is born deaf is fine dont need to change that unless the child him/herself wants to (coclear implants) did i spell that right? but even then i hear those things dont work 100%, but if a baby is born hearing then leave it as a hearing child...
  8. R

    I'm Officially Married! (pix)

    ^_^ congratz! i hope for a long happy marrage for you two
  9. R

    hey everyone

    hi i just signed up, i need to ask a question, i am 17 years old, hearing, and a junior at my high school. currently my school teaches sign language and im in my second year of learning and ill be turning 18 in a couple months and moving close to Chicago, Illinois to a school who doesnt teach it...