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  1. B

    Poston's ASL Class what do you think?

    mr.poston i dont understand what are suppose to do, i dont think anyone else does eahter. i undersant that we need to post reply about the mainstream or deaf schools. but did u post it or did someone else? THANKS BROOKE
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    Poston's ASL Class what do you think?

    this is brooke {Mod Edit: Surname removed in respect to privacy issues ~RR} i did did both of these Ask deaf people here and For hearing to answer only: I am deaf and want to know why the Ellas Flashlight thing she talking about how when you sign deaf it means can't hear, can't speek...
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    Ask deaf people here

    so i was woundering, this is so random i know, it's considered rude when you talk and eat at the same time. so for a deaf person signing to another deaf person is it rude to chew and sign at the same time?
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    For Hearing to answer only: I am deaf and want to know why

    when i was younger i did not under stand why deaf people could not hear. i thought deaf people where stange for making funny faces and making nocies. then i went to high school and had to take a foregin language so i took asl. i found that signing was one of the most beautiful things i had ever...
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    ? for deaf people

    this is my second year of learning asl. i really love it and i wanted to know some things about deaf people. ok so heres a question for you. When you meet a hearing person and they cant sign vary good, or if they dont understand you and keep asking slow down or agian. do u get really annoyed...