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  1. S

    I'm not a Christian anymore

    You're basing a lot on Bible. You take every word of it as the truth and swallow it as it was sweet candies. It tastes good and sweet... You don't really have to eat anything else, right? However, a diet of candies isn't healthy is it? You don't rationalize. If everybody believed in "God."...
  2. S

    I'm not a Christian anymore

    "Science is the power of mankind." netrox- That's correct. CyberRed, proof of that, please. Christlovesdeaf- "God gives rain and sunshine to both good and evil." It doesn't bother you that God made both good and evil? It wouldn't have mattered if you prayed or not. The same outcome...
  3. S

    I'm not a Christian anymore

    Heck of a place to make my first post. God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs Here's some copypasta from the above site. "What would happen if we get down on our knees and pray to God in this way: Dear God, almighty, all-powerful, all-loving creator of the universe, we pray to...