Search results

  1. T

    HANGMAN ~game~ Wanna Play? Part II

    May I have an "n" please?
  2. T

    Hello I am new

    :welcome: To AllDeaf!
  3. T

    HANGMAN ~game~ Wanna Play? Part II

    can I have an A ?
  4. T

    "I admit......" Part 11 series

    I admit that I am addicted to Alldeaf and can't stop reading postings! Peace out:afro:
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    HANGMAN ~game~ Wanna Play? Part II

    you have a "B"
  6. T

    I applied 2 job today...

    Good Luck! :fingersx: Dress professionally, no earring(s) if you are a boy. Do a google search on Kohl's and Bed Bath and Beyond, read about the position that you are applying for and the companies so you are well informed. Ask questions and be confident! You can do it! Let is know how it goes!
  7. T

    Stockton CA ... look for wife/mother... :-)

    Welcome Welcome eln... I am new myself...although, I am not single! I am more interested in the fact that you are a hard of hearing police officer! That is awesome! Did you lose your hearing because of your work?...loud bangs from guns...:rl: or did you go in already hard of hearing? Just...
  8. T

    1 more new memeber!

    :cool: Hello from one Very Hard of Hearing individual. Totally Deaf in one ear, since birth. Wish I was totally Deaf. i have a question, why is my receptive American Sign Language not as strong as my expressive ASL? any ideas? Glad to be a new member.
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    What is the best way.....

    Why are you disciplining the kids? It should be something that is entererd into lightly. You have to first develop a relationship with the kids before you can discipline them. Kids will not, listen to someone that they do not like, respect or have built a relationship with. Did you say how...
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    special needs children??

    Have you looked into Applied Behavior Analysis, or Discrete Trial Training? I admire your desire for working with this child, it will be very difficult to teach him to use language since he is Autistic. I would work closely with his Speech Language Pathologist and look into Applied Behavior...