Search results

  1. archangelman

    Deaf event in colorado.

    Im deaf. I grew up all my life in colorado Im looking for some friend who wants to learn asl like hangout in Colorado. Anyone wants to learn ASL , I can teach you asl. It’s fun hangout to learn asl. I know few deaf events.
  2. archangelman

    New member

    Hi welcome!
  3. archangelman

    seeking a date

    I used to have 4 cats.. animals are lovely!
  4. archangelman

    Practice Partner?

    Hi I can teach you asl. Email me
  5. archangelman

    Where are you from?

  6. archangelman

    Anyone know MS meetings group for studying bible

    I want to know anyone have good experiences with MS meeting groups for study Bible. I’m interested to join a groups. I like to keep company to discuss and learn.
  7. archangelman


    Thank you. Someday I will
  8. archangelman


    Thank you. How it’s going? You never be alone so your dogs are with you.
  9. archangelman


    My brother and I are driving long. Moving back to colorado from California. I will be with my family. My heart is very strong and brave.
  10. archangelman


    Thank you Christine. Smile
  11. archangelman


    Thank you. One time day , I would getting know and learning better for this deaf community.
  12. archangelman


    Hello. My name is Levi. My first time I joined alldeaf member. I would love to make a friends. Sometimes I feel alone but I need to have my head up and think positive. I’m planning to move back to colorado with my family this weekend. I’m unemployed. My life will return to come back to normal...