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  1. W


    Heya I'm A CI user I want to be a SWAT cop or somthing similar Do you think it's possible? I'm very fit.
  2. W

    What jobs Do CI users go for?

    Me I wanted to join the armed forces. Like the Marines,Army,Air Force I got denied entry which pissed me off. So I joined my local Fire Dept and they accepted me on the first day gave me all essentials Pager, Gear. But my dream jobs are ATF,DEA,FBI,SWAT,State police,LAPD,NYPD. Do you know...
  3. W

    Hi. AnyBody here a vollie. FF?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum I wanted to talk to some other Deaf fire fighters with CI's and How they are handling the job. What type of stuff do they have problems with. Are they discriminated against? My dept is pretty nice to me. They dont make infront of me which is nice. Considering...