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  1. S

    In some cases

    in my case..i was issued with two hearing aids..which made my life more amisery that it already was..what i hear or dont!!!!....they made me feel like i was listening to a 100 watt transistor radio in a foreing language.... i have in all of my 42 years of life, alittle more than one year in...
  2. S

    My website. OneCoolSpot

    I have for a few months been designing and creating a website..though its my first big venture into the comprises of a cms stile website with a forum for which members can post messages....though this is not fefined to deaf people is open to mater what disabilties...
  3. S


    Hi, I am from Scotland, i have been deaf sinse birth caused by an medication that was given to me which caused nerve deafness. I have thus far managed to live with it and have progressed through life with great hardship in the hearing world. I am married to a non deaf lady and have 2 teenage...