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  1. F

    Miss Deaf Texas struck by train, killed

    doesnt she wear hearing aids?? This happens when u dont wear your hearing aids or Cochlear implants
  2. F

    In Defense of BYU

    mormon sucks!!
  3. F

    Prayers Needed For Taylor

    who the hell is taylor?? And what does he have to do with the forum??? nevermind! pardon my ignorance! So he's a regular AD poster here??? Deaf or hearing?
  4. F

    Any deafies is MCSE certified??

    Whew!! I have one more exam left to complete my MCSE! I think I will be the first deaf person to obtain MCSE lol. Actually, I didn't find network+ really hard because I've been involved with networking for a long time.
  5. F

    Who has HDTV television ?

    a directv tuner box. it's just the same as a cable box
  6. F

    Who has HDTV television ?

    most hdtv tuners have digital CC built in! It had nothing to do with the Tuner box. None of the HD Channels support CC except ESPN-HD and HBO-HD for now.
  7. F

    No CCs on HDTV lcd with YPbPr cords

    i have a hdtv as well. hdnet do not support CC! Sadly, most HD channels from directv do not support CC, except ESPN-HD! I complained on the phone with DirectTV and they said that the law of using CC in HDTV hasn't passed yet.
  8. F

    Dating Sweet Deaf guy

    does she work for McDonald's or something??? :sure:
  9. F

    Deaf student proved doctors wrong; she's headed to Yale

    5 bucks says she's fugly!
  10. F

    Dating Sweet Deaf guy

    he's 25 and he doesnt have a car? LOL!!!!!!!! good luck :shock: :shock:
  11. F

    Any deafies is MCSE certified??

    I have been working on my MCSE recently and I'm really under stress, dreading about the test due to lack of accomodation. It's expensive to pay for the exam and if you failed u would have to purchase another exam. It really concerned me but that's not the only issue I have...Its the technical...
  12. F

    Bush Supporters, come here!

    let's PARTY!!!!!!!!!
  13. F

    I'm surprised and NOT happy with this...

    u better start packing your bags and leave America! do not let the door hit u on the way out
  14. F

    Anybody see the John Edwards speech?

    yeah i saw that! I almost puked when he just said that! I would have booed him off the stage.
  15. F

    Did you vote?!

    I live in Florida and I voted for Bush!
  16. F

    BUSH signs Assistive tech act for disabilities

    Kerry supporters can KISS my ass! Bush admin funded some money to the State of FLA to pay for my cochlear implant. I already wrote a thank you letter to the Bush Administration for covering my cochlear implant :fu2: jOHN kERRY
  17. F

    i've met...

    Gally are for University rejects :mad:
  18. F

    florida deaf community?

    I think you are talking about St. Petersburg Community College. It was formerly known as St. Petersburg Junior College.
  19. F

    Pictures Frame.

    why do you have some of your faces covered?
  20. F


    Do you have a picture?