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  1. M

    tattooed terps

    I find it ironic that professional Hearies find tattoos wrong and unprofessional, yet most Deaf are fine with them. BTW to Margie, Dir of Comm Services, having a tattoo does not automatically make someone a slob. Many excellent interpreters and other professionals have tattoos. They are more...
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    Hello from upstate New York!

    Hi DeadRinkHistorian; I'm new here, from NH and work as Ed.Interpreter.(Hearing). I read you post about hearing people reinventing your language. I see many people disrespecting native Sign, making up things and it makes me sad. I want to comment about V victory sign, bent hands heart, and...
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    Hello from upstate New York!

    Hi DeadRinkHistorian; I'm new here, from NH and work as Ed.Interpreter.(Hearing). I read you post about hearing people reinventing your language. I see many people disrespecting native Sign, making up things and it makes me sad. I want to comment about V victory sign, bent hands heart, and...
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    62yo loss my hearing at 59 and feel worthless

    Bryan62- I imagine it's a great shock to lose a major sense. My friend lost her hearing in 2 days from cancer treatments, at 42 yrs of age. By the time I met her at 52, she had knocked cancer out and could honestly say to me that she would never want to be hearing again. Get online or look up...