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    Time Travel

    I would love to time travel to meet celebrities of their days or at least see them close enough for me just to shake hands with people in between them and I. I would love to time travel to film many things and to show people of our time to understand what was happening like why Wooly Mammoths...
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    Once Upon A Time

    I like Once Upon A Time tv show. Get every one from every story gets together. I am sure a lot more coming along. Will there be the mermaids on? Will there be Peter Pan? Will there even be Cory Big Heart (C)? Hahha. Never know even Mickey Mouse will be on. Why? It is a Disney owned, on...
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    The Roswell Incident - 65 years ago today

    As for all of them, I believe you are right because that is the Word of God. About microevolutionism, I am a bird and butterfly watcher and hey, butterflies change quickly from capillitars to butterflies in SAME year they are alive. Same with flies. They started as larva eating off dead...
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    The Roswell Incident - 65 years ago today

    Now, about the Belgian UFO incident, the person who supposely shot the picture of a UFO so close and clear with shape of a Delta UFO admitted years later he photoshopped it. Not real. That is something we will still have a mystery about police officers and other witnesses seeing those UFOs in...
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    The Roswell Incident - 65 years ago today

    I know what you are talking about. I did mentioned about the other UFOs others saw other nights. I know what you are talking about. The Delta shaped UFOs. Now that is I believe more reliable than the Phoneix Lights. Could be the USAF and the US Government wanted to cover up and fooled...
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    The Roswell Incident - 65 years ago today

    That incident in Phoenix called The Phoenix Lights was already debunked twice by different tv shows. I reviewed it myself and I can easily debunk it because of the movement of lights were actually falling down extremely slow and disappeared behind that set of mountains since the air force base...
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    The Roswell Incident - 65 years ago today

    Caz, sorry to burst your bubble. If the UFO crash in US, then the US military will seize that craft immediately like they did in 1965 in PA with the acorn shaped UFO. Secondly, the American government has a policy to deny and keep secret about UFOs so they will seize it without question. No...
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    Facebook: Stop the aliens before its too late

    Let you all know the webpage on FB has been down about an hour ago. It is gone for good.
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    My bother got married and I'm sad

    Mimsy, I sure do understand! My older sister got married the Saturday after I graduated from high school back in 1983. It has not been the same. Although my sister and I have huge age gap. 7 years apart. Then there is my younger brother. He got married in 1995 and I did not get married...
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    your dream

    It is all depends on my dreams. Most of the time it is talking by voice. Sometimes it is what I call it Spiritual Discernment. To you, you would call it ESP. It is not quite the same. To me, it is gift from God. I have seen God in my dreams, seen Jesus, seen people, my future bride wayyy...
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    Back to the Future - Date is Today

    I noticed that is very wrong because I have FREE DVDs set from the Universal Studios mailed to me directly. Nice of them. They gave it to me in 2002. Since I watched many times, I know the year is 2015 in the Part II when Doc had to bring Marty and his girlfriend to the future to rescue Marty...
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    My article on ABC website

    Very nice Matty! Awesome! And you will find your bride! NOW you reminded me of me in my first 40 years of my life as a bachelor till I got married at age of 41. So, I know, Matty, we are in the same boat or I could say I was in the same boat as you are now. I have a great autobiography...
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    Who is single here?

    One more thing, my singleness may come back... as a divorced. Read my book and you will know why. Same I will explain more about RIT/NTID.
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    Who is single here?

    Was single all my life till I got married on August 12, 2006 at the age of 41! It was way tough to find the right woman. I did not marry the right woman. Long story. I felt no choice to marry! Dating was real tough! I was Hard of Hearing (now Deaf thanks to Meniere's) so living in between...
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    Hearing people who are attracted to deaf people

    Wow, that is new to me. Although I can understand where you are coming from. There are people who are attracted to Deaf people. Just like Short women are attracted to Tall men or Caucasians attracted to Blacks, etc. Even some have real taboo. I saw on TV how weird this taboo Aspies use real...
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    Ever have or try to buy one of a kind thing???

    You are right!!! And I am sure Marisa Tomei would say the same thing!! Wooo! She was a hottie in the movies! Ok, you already answered what I was about to answer. There are no '57 Camero. Only the famous 1957 Chevy Bel Air automobiles that are most sought after. Only rare ones are...
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    tornado, tornado, and TORNDAO!!!!!!!

    One more thing, I do enjoy weather like the ducks take to the water. I was a mock weatherman in my science class in 9th grade in the Deaf program. I was a natural. Then my teacher invited a well known local weatherman and he loved our video that he would come back with his cameraman and we...
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    tornado, tornado, and TORNDAO!!!!!!!

    Celly, you are right. Celly, you are correct that tornados here in upstate New York are weaker and less common. I will never forget the April 1972 or 74 tornado hit Chittanango-Canasota, NY area causing a roof torn off a plaza on Route 5, flipping a travel trailer or a pick up truck with...
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    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    I have been around my home state, New York. Other states are... VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, PA, MD, WV, VA, FL, OH, MI, GA, TN, and CA. Been to Ontario and Quebec (Canada)... And the entire Centroamerica. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, and Panama (Mission...
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    Costa Rica

    I have been to Costa Rica four times! I went as part of a mission trip there. Muchas bella en Costa Rica y centroamerica. Mucho! I have been to San Jose, Playa Jaco, Playa Sameria, La Paz, the cloud forest on way to Limon from San Jose, and Limon. I also have been Ortina, Hernia, oh, a...