Recent content by ThatConnie

  1. ThatConnie

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Hi Im Connie and at around 50 I started having tinnitus and background sound difficulty. Buldging eardrums and had tubes put in. That helped with ackward background sounds and over ampt background sounds. Its 24/7 but Over the last seven years The tinnitus has gotten 4 X stronger and Im...
  2. ThatConnie

    Who ate dog food as kids?

    Yea I tasted it once. Im a curious girl. However my dear AA sponsor ate dog food many a night sneaking in the kitchen so hungry in the darkness. Her foster parents of 7 years controlled the children in severe ways. Locking up the food and threatening to kill them was just 2 ways......
  3. ThatConnie

    Florida House passes eminent domain bill

    Good topic!~
  4. ThatConnie

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Thank you all for being so giving. Im new..At 19 Tested in the airforce and was given notice of hearing loss. Today, Tinnitus 3 years now all suddenly its 4x louder. My balance is off but I didn't tell ENT that. She says its time for HA. I have a life long illness and sometimes it has...