Recent content by StealingSaturn

  1. S

    Long Distance Relationship

    I'm not really sure if I would do long distance. I had a pretty short-distance boyfriend for a while and that was a totally sour experience haha. Hour and a half away and he acted like we were in different countries! Oof. 2 of my best friends are in LDRs and they do it guess...
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    Does anyone have farm animals and how many?

    I don't have a farm, but my school has Boers! Goat Love :) Sounds like you still have quite a few animals
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    Thanks so much for the suggestion. At school I'm an Animal Science major, but I actually want to go into (probably early) education. I really have learned so much from this forum and a Social Diversity in Education class that I was in this semester. We talked about Deaf culture and I find it...
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    Thanks! We're just about to leave from finals for winter break, but next time I see him I'll ask!
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    He's just a friend haha. We have mutual friends. Although, I would be open to dating a guy who is HOH or deaf. He has got the lingering and ever elusive "girl from home" thing going on.
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    He's the only friend I have (so far) who is, but we're near Northampton, MA, where there is the Clarke School for the Deaf, so I assume there are many in the area. and Thanks!
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    Hello. My name is Marissa. I am hearing. I joined the community because I made a new friend this semester in college who is HOH. This forum has been really great in helping me learn how I can try to be more supportive of him. :)