Recent content by silent-world

  1. S

    seeking anger management classes

    I been in contact with my attorney a few times about this and need to contact him again Monday I'm having problems galore. My wife left message's (phone/voice mail) all last week to two main places in my area (Ocean County NJ not a small area) and no replys up to today Saturday (Perferred...
  2. S

    seeking anger management classes

    Again I thank all for replies. My attorney gave me three places to call for these wife calls of course. She talked to two of them the third never called her back..they said he (me) would need an individual class (by myself with some type of way to understand) reason is most have...
  3. S

    seeking anger management classes

    I thank you sallylou for the reply. My wife just emailed me and said the Township court adminstrator said they do not accept any online classes for any cases. This leaves me only in-person classes now. I'm been laidoff over a year now hard to find employment..Most places for in-person...
  4. S

    Hello all

    I just joined today also. I been hard of hearing since I was 5 (was pushed into a pool amost drowned at age 5). I'm 58 years old now and my hearing is at 98% lost. I live in Ocean County NJ married. I found this site today because of a legal problem I have and been searching all over for...
  5. S

    seeking anger management classes

    Hello all, I just joined today and need help, I'm in a legal jam and 98% deaf. I found this site by searching for help with my problem. In May of this year I had a argument (oral only) with my wife (married 25 years to her) inside our house, she got upset and mad at me and went to police to...