Recent content by SeerOfVisions

  1. S


    Hiya, One of the main focal points in scoatland regarding deafness is total mis interpretation, alot of people think that if someone says they are deaf then it means that they cant hear at all. It is very difficult dealing with attitudes of people here. The authorities have now closed dow the...
  2. S


    once again.. thanks for making me feel is much appreciated.
  3. S

    Would anyone mind helping me out a bit?

    If you want to go down that road, fitrt of all you have to learn what deaf people find acceptable as means of visual communication..which is way differnt from visual....its like learning a differnty language but using the right words and geustures to imply emotion or meaning.... the deaf world...
  4. S

    In some cases

    in my case..i was issued with two hearing aids..which made my life more amisery that it already was..what i hear or dont!!!!....they made me feel like i was listening to a 100 watt transistor radio in a foreing language.... i have in all of my 42 years of life, alittle more than one year in...
  5. S

    My website. OneCoolSpot

    I have for a few months been designing and creating a website..though its my first big venture into the comprises of a cms stile website with a forum for which members can post messages....though this is not fefined to deaf people is open to mater what disabilties...
  6. S


    can you hear my fifth sympony dear
  7. S

    Take a Shot with Me!

    Morgans spice rum with red bull..leads the race of love..... :smash:
  8. S


    Thank you all for your kind welcomes, it is much appreciated. My favourite music artist vary in genres, i like pink floyd which takes me back a few years, i like eric clapton, i like phil woods for jazz and charlie parker, I also like dance music, my favourite DJ is tiesto. I like all...
  9. S


    Hi, I am from Scotland, i have been deaf sinse birth caused by an medication that was given to me which caused nerve deafness. I have thus far managed to live with it and have progressed through life with great hardship in the hearing world. I am married to a non deaf lady and have 2 teenage...