Recent content by retromom

  1. R


    Less than two years ago we adopted twin baby boys who were only 4 months old when we got them. They have grown like weeds. Anyone else adopted children here? How old were they when you got them?
  2. R

    Awww poor little boy :o(

    One dead cat if it were in my house! That cat would have never again seen daylight if that incident occured in our house. I hate cats anyway. :mad:
  3. R

    Would you spank your kids when they are bad?

    Yuppers. I have used spanking since day one, and still do today. To Roe, your ideology regarding leaving the spanking to your husband, big mistake. With that type of set up, your children will over time resent your husband, causing an extreme rift between their level of trust, communication...
  4. R

    How were you raised as a baby/child?

    For the most part, children of today are being raised so differently than children of yesteryear. How were you raised? Below is how I was raised. I was raised in a two parent home with siblings. I slept in a crib and spent my first few months in a baby bassinette. My mom bottle fed all of us...
  5. R

    How could you deal with this little boy?

    Maybe a Spanking! Love yes, attention yes, and all in the way of a paddled bottom like that spoiled rotten kid has never had! And what's with the disposable diaper pants at his age? It's so easy to see that the parents faltered way long ago with that child. Parents need to rein in a child...
  6. R

    Remembering Things The Way They Were....

    I remember the way things were. The 1970's and 1980's was when everyone used outdoor clotheslines to dry their laundry. Nearly 100% of all babies wore cloth diapers, rubber pants, and safety pins. Leaded crystal ashtrays could be found in every household. Diaper Service trucks roamed the...
  7. R

    How many children/child do you have?

    I have 5.
  8. R

    Is spanking on the kids belong kind of abuse?

    I don't think spanking is abuse. I remember many of the mothers i babysat for years ago would tell me to "spank" their children if they were bad. In some of the homes i did spank the kids. That's the way it was done 15, 20, 25 years ago. :booty:
  9. R

    Child(ren) bedtime....

    When our children were at the baby, toddler, young child stage, bedtime in our house was between 7:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. I would usually start getting the children ready for bed at around 6:50 p.m. Baths, diaper changing, baby bottles, story time, etc. When our kids got a little older, bedtime was...
  10. R

    Paying a Baby-sitter

    I hired a babysitter who was wheelchair bound when our children were little. No one else in our neighbourhood would hire her because of her handicap, so i did, and it proved to be the best thing i did! She was the best babysitter i ever had! We paid her $5.00 an hour. She was older, 23 years of...
  11. R

    Potty-Teaching Tips....

    With our kids i pretty much let them toilet-train themselves. I didn't at all push them but instead, when they began showing signs of readiness, then i started toilet training them. After they were daytime toilet trained i would still put diapers on them for bedtime, because they usually had...
  12. R

    What kind of brand bottles did you had when you had bab(ies)?

    I used regular ordinary glass and plastic baby nursery bottles by Evenflo and Gerber.
  13. R

    Disciplining the children

    I definitely spanked our children. When i say spanked, i mean a spanking, not a beating or a whipping. Over my lap and with the flat of my hand. Sometimes over a thickly padded diapered bottom, sometimes on a bare bottom. It all depended on the circumstance.
  14. R

    If you have babies, please come on over here

    I always used cloth diapers on our children. In our house it was definitely a big money saver! I always liked having diapers in the house 24/7 and with cloth diapers, i never had to worry about running out. I used the plain old style of cloth diapers which i folded into the correct shape, pinned...