Recent content by paws05

  1. P

    searching friend

    i am searching for female friend from east lansing/lansing, michigan. she used to worked with mental retarded clients, i don't know if she still working there. we known each other for years till i got married. we moved 5 times till we settle down up north michigan. her name is susie h, i forgot...
  2. P

    lookiing for friend

    we moved 5 times and finally settle up north, michigan. i've been trying to search a female friend that introduce me to my husband. her name is susie, divorced 2X and had 2 boys. they're probably are adults now. i know her oldest son named david. her last name started with h. lived in east...
  3. P

    is there a stay at home job ??

    no pinky, i never have ssi or ssdi. i can't get unemployment unless i work in area for 2 mths and might able to get it or that they might turn me down for other reasons. who know. yeah true that economy is suck. i lived up north michigan in east jordan. so it's small community area. my daughter...
  4. P

    is there a stay at home job ??

    i rather stay home and earn a living on the internet. i am out in open of the country and there is no hiring, i did applied for jobs. the jobs are way out about 30-45 min drive. there no way i am driving out in 12 inches of snow in winter. beside, who want to hiring a hearing impaired?? can't...
  5. P

    should i apply for SSI ??

    because walmart SUCK !! they kept me there cuz i am good at it. i tried getting out of the freezer for 2 yrs and they kept saying oh...we trying to find a position for you. so when i quitted, they were shock. not because i want to but i have to moved.
  6. P

    Hearing guy here, would really like to know how to meet a single deaf girl

    first learn the sign language and meet the girl. try to respect her handicapped and don't treat her any different than your hearing world. don't leave her out of anything. try to blend in hearing and deaf world but not into one world. you both need to shared two world. it's was hard for us but...
  7. P

    should i apply for SSI ??

    thank for information. and yeah i used my husband for interpreter. there no way i can understand other people talked. husband said she didn't hear you and that he had to tell me what they said. i have my husband look into this. thank a bunch! MEOW.
  8. P

    should i apply for SSI ??

    thank frisky ! i give it a try. also you seem to like cats. i have 2 in cabin and 4 outside. there is another stray cat that came along outside so that make it's 5.
  9. P

    should i apply for SSI ??

    also another thing is that i do have cataracts in both of my eyes and my eye doctor said he can't do anything about it till 2-3 yrs or if it's get bad. also i have tumor in my brain stem. i still go for mri once a year on wait and watch.
  10. P

    should i apply for SSI ??

    that will probably be suck about my husband's job. he worked at the prison as a teacher for 24 yrs. hmmm, that really suck if i can't apply. :(
  11. P


    okay..okay...i got it. it's different than the other chatroom i have. i understand how it work now. SORRY !!! :)
  12. P

    should i apply for SSI ??

    i quitted my job as stocker at walmart fot 14 1/2 yrs. my husband had transfered his job up north in michgan. he want to be close to his family and he's going to retire next year. it's small town, he drove 1 hr to work 4 days a week. there is walmart and that is only 40 min away. the winter is...
  13. P


    anyone here ?
  14. P


    hi i am new here
  15. P

