Recent content by NHDeafSpouse

  1. N

    Wow, CI's are expensive

    Yeah, I did call SSDI since this is coming down the pike, and they said his income had to drop to $1000 a month because of the Meniere's before he could apply for SSDI. Of course, that would mean below subsistence level, so that won't happen until he's pretty much lost his hearing completely...
  2. N

    Wow, CI's are expensive

    Ah! Didn't know that - thanks. It's kind of funny because if he goes on SSDI he can qualify to get CI's, but that might kick him back off SSDI if it restores his hearing? Edit: Thanks Rick. Altho I can't imagine paying any kind of payments on a $60k-100k procedure... yikes. That's like buying...
  3. N

    Wow, CI's are expensive

    I just googled around to find the cost of cochlear implants for my husband's deteriorating Meniere's condition, and they run between $60,000 and $100,000. Since we have no health insurance, I'm falling off my chair. Looks like that isn't going to be a possibility. Medicare is 15 years off. Wow.
  4. N

    My husband is going deaf

    Yup - thanks.
  5. N

    Deaf people and Christianity

    I would love to hear more about that.
  6. N

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    My husband (49 y.o.) is a newbie Meniere's "victim". I don't even know how long the hearing has been out in one ear - less than a year I'm sure - and now the ENT said it will be no time at all before he needs a hearing aide in the other, and I imagine from there it could be a pretty steep change...
  7. N

    My husband is going deaf

    Okay, I give up. Where is the late deaf forum again? I'm searching for it but can't seem to find it? edit: Oops, never mind. I think I found it.
  8. N

    My husband is going deaf

    Thank you LDNanna - I hope I didn't insult with the driving issue! I'm really not sure what to expect, and I want to start finding out everything in advance. I'll check out the late deaf forum. (I can tell I will probably step on a lot of toes as I find my way around... yikes)
  9. N

    My husband is going deaf

    Hello all - Just found this site by accident - I was googling whether deaf people could drive, and the link was from here. I can't believe I found this. Anyway, my 49 y.o. husband has Meniere's Disease. He has lost the hearing in one ear, and when he went to the ENT a few days ago, the dr. said...