Recent content by melissaruth

  1. M

    New User from Washington state!

    Question for you on these...How does that work? I'm not sure I like the fact that it won't really sound like their voice but..then again, not being able to hear their voice at all is annoying too...How do I explain my hearing loss in words? All I have are graphs...
  2. M

    New User from Washington state!

    Yes, I am working on it. I go to a church that has a sign interpreter and I'm picking up a lot from her but mostly I get overwhelmed by how much there is to know... That AND my husband doesn't get it and my kids don't want to learn so I'm not sure how much it will help me knowing it lol.
  3. M

    New User from Washington state!

    Bottesini I saw your post about the Phonak Naidas...I admit I only know what I saw on the website. I have nerve damage which is what is causing the initial hearing loss. And probably from quite a few ear infections as I was growing up (5 sets of tubes before I was 5) and then there's the...
  4. M

    New User from Washington state!

    Thank you! Thank you for the kind welcome! I will be fine once I get over the pain of the dual ear infection. The swelling is excruciatingly painful and the Vicodin is making me sleepy and cranky....All this has proven is that I need to learn sign language and not put if off any more. I...
  5. M

    New User from Washington state!

    Well, I've only been officially hearing impaired for 5 years now. As a kid, I had hearing issues and many many sets of tubes but the issues seemed to resolve themselves as I grew. However, just before getting pregnant with my first child, I had an episode where I could not hear. It went away...