Recent content by MaxWho

  1. M

    Phonak Naida

    Out of here Hi All, it seems this thread has moved far and away from the original posting of below, so I'll drop out as I'm unable to be of help now. I thank everyone for all the information you provided me in my ramp-up to being fitted with a set of IX. From my heart I wish all the very best...
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    Phonak Naida

    I'm happy to report that the IX's are running like our old friend Windows XP and NOT like Vista! Going on about 6 weeks now I've not had any "strange stuff" happen. IMHO they did do some work on the software, although I am also blessed with an audi that has been working with the programing...
  3. M

    Phonak Naida

    I am happy to report that my IX's are working better than I expected. The iCom Bluetooth connection to my phone is HEAVEN and very worth the cost! The myPilot is useful so as to not have to fiddiget with the very small and hard to find buttons on the unit itself. I'm 65 and they are the best...
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    Phonak Naida V UP

    Help Please How and where do I download the iPFG software? And what can I do with it? Thanks in advance . . . . . . :aw:
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    Phonak Naida V UP

    Hi Sirena, sorry this reply took so long. I just saw that I had a message . . . . My HA are supplied by the Veterans Administration here in California. I had to buy the iCom. I've had the IX's about a month and love them, but they do need programming attention. I go back next week to get...
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    Phonak Naida V UP

    Tks :wave: Thanks for the info. BTY if anyone out there needs to buy the iCom I'll be happy to share the online store that sent mine. I only had to pay $295 delivered!
  7. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    Sorry Wendy for all the problems your having. I got the iCom to connect to the cell Bluetooth, but I guess the audi has to do something with the HA to see the iCom. I have my apointment Tue the 1st to find out.
  8. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    Hi Wendy, I hope you have success so you can help me next week! :lol: :lol:
  9. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    Thanks for the open Thread I hope to pick-up my iCom on Monday and will try to see if I can set it up myself to connect with my cell phone. I have an a apointment with my audi Sept 1stas a back-up. All the open cross talk really helps, thanks to everyone for sharing.
  10. M

    Phonak Naida

    Just received my IX's yesterday from the VA, so give me a week to have something intelligent to say. LOL First impression is that they are wonderful. I just ordered, over the telephone an iCom. They are and the iCom will be sent to California for under $300, so I hope...
  11. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    Thank You Thanks for the link to the new SmartLink+ as I was unable to find it. :lol:
  12. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    Hi, newbie here. I'm getting a set of IX in a few weeks. I understand the problem with having to wear the iCom over using the Smartlink. BUT ids there any reason to have the Smartlink if I am not going to use FM? Thanks in advance for all replies.
  13. M

    the new Phonak Naida IXs

    I'm scheduled to get a pair of IX's in about 4 weeks from the VA, and will post the results. This will be my first venture into a digital HA. I'm hoping that the Bluetooth connection using the iCom will allow me to feel secure using the phone again, as I hate to keep asking someone to repeat...
  14. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    Thank You Thank you both for your information and answers to my questions.:wave:
  15. M

    Phonak Naida V UP

    iCom vs Smartlink :cool2: Thanks for the quick reply. So, if I understand, you are using FM receivers as HA's? I reveive my HA's from the VA as I lost my hearing due to combat in RVN back in '67. But I must out of pocket the iCom or Smartlink to hook-up with my Bluetooth phone. Does the...