Recent content by LilEvil

  1. L


    thankssss :D :D
  2. L

    for my research paper

    yes i asked most of deaf people around. also i like to update this too. well, I'd interview with 9 different boss. some of them from mall and fast foods. so, anyway, most of them says they provide interpreters, write down on the paper, talk on the phone through relay on vp or tty either, and...
  3. L

    for my research paper

    i'm doing research for my class about deaf job. so, i wanna to ask you a some questions...if ok with y all on your interview experience... the boss provide you a sign interpreter? what kind of job that where most deaf people work for? *only if u know too well do you know anything about...
  4. L


    haa, thanksss everybody! ;D
  5. L

    my research paper *

    i'm doing research for my class about deaf job. so, i wanna to ask you a some questions...if ok with y all on your interview experience... the boss provide you a sign interpreter? what kind of job that where most deaf people work for? *only if u know too well do you know anything about...
  6. L


    helloooo! my name is steph but you may call me lil evil as nickname:giggle: that's all for now laterr