Recent content by kiwichris83

  1. K

    PHP Issues

    awesome! and its not obvious on the link but theres a _ between chris and elizabeth :) oh and not sure if it matters but I'll be having 5 or 6 different order forms - using a form made in frontpage and being submitted to me, as i'm having products that can be personalised by customers...
  2. K

    PHP Issues

    ohh they dont work with eachother lol - would appreciate if you did that - can u email me on as am heading out for 1.5 to 2hrs now, but will be back on later :) thanks heaps mate! :ty:
  3. K

    PHP Issues

    glad to hear it works... could u tweak it 4 me? really appreciate you helping out :)
  4. K

    PHP Issues

    thanks geaps 4 ur help jclarke :)
  5. K

    PHP Issues

    Ohhh OK i see... the form page is at New Page 1 and just realised I'm talking 2 two ppl on here about it haha - i'm going crazy, am holding my 3 month old daughter at the same time so missus can cook if i dont make sense then sorry!
  6. K

    PHP Issues

    if it failed for u - what is the recommended course of action i should do? as the main thing I want is a form that works....and is simple to make! lol... i see u use dreamweaver - I've got the CS3 Package - would that do the job? it for Photoshop etc so yea.
  7. K

    PHP Issues

    i'm only using frontpage for the form page as its "built" in frontpage but using a different software for the actual website... i'll upload the corrected form and see if that works...
  8. K

    PHP Issues

    ohhh no wonder mines not working - and proves how much of a newbie i am :shock: lol... so do u think i should look 4 a different form or do u know how 2 fix it? the page I'm trying to have submitted was made in Frontpage - has a few check boxes, 2 uploading images functions, a few text...
  9. K

    PHP Issues

    FrontPage 2002 - Create a user submit form for your site. I just found this Form Mail simplescript.php [Archive] - PowWeb Community Forums but cant figure out what the solution it sounds like he had the same problem as me - email not sending.
  10. K

    PHP Issues

    the only things missing off the page is the php?> and ?> heres the screenshot
  11. K

    PHP Issues

    everythings in blue or grey and theres actually 2 shades of blue... the only things in red is the <?php and ?> as well as the numbers 20 and 1 and this is in the area not to edit.. Oddly though - I downloaded this script as I dont know how to make it so would be suprised if theres a...
  12. K

    PHP Issues

    I'm kind of a newbie with PHP - how do I identify the error? have downloaded np++ and its open in there :)
  13. K

    PHP Issues

    yea in the bit where it says change these parameters it has my email address which is chris_elizabeth at am using that one just to get the form working as I'm getting some aliases made for the form specifically... or am i doing the whole thing wrong lol
  14. K

    PHP Issues

    I'm a deafie whos trying 2 make a website for a business I'm developing to run from home. AM having trouble with an PHP form for submitting orders to my email address. I've got it set up where they select options and write in text boxes and upload an file, and then they click Submit, and it...
  15. K

    Sound and Fury DVD

    when i click the captions button on the dvd player - its all greyed out... on computer it asks if i want default setting and i say no and it lets me change it so I changed to closed captions - unfortunately didnt work... gonna look tommorrow see if I can find a program that activvates CC...