Recent content by KatieBug2014

  1. K

    Hearing-Impaired, Not a Vegetable!

    Well, I have talked to my parents and there is just no convincing them that I don't need the BAHA. There's just no help for it, so I give up. They say "You need the BAHA, I don't care what people on this website say. You need it to hear if an ambulance is behind you." Hello, it's called mirrors...
  2. K

    Feedback on CI?

    ok thanks for clearing that up for me, it's definitley the BAHA that I have
  3. K

    Feedback on CI?

    Can you explain it to me please because I never heard of it.
  4. K

    Feedback on CI?

    Ok, I'm confused. I thought a baha and a cochlear implant were the same thing. You'd think I'd know, but my audiologist and family interchange the terms.
  5. K

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Hmm..... When we're in a really quiet setting and they try whispering to me. I tell them that wont work and they do it anyways. When they are walking in front of me and trying to talk to me. I can't see their lips. For the same reason, I hate when teachers are lecturing and they start...
  6. K

    Hearing-Impaired, Not a Vegetable!

    I have turner syndrome. It's a genetic disorder and it caused my ears to be deformed which caused me to have chronic ear disease. the ear infections are what killed my hearing.
  7. K

    Hi, I'm Katie

    Hi everyone :) I'm Katie. I'm 17, and I'm hard of hearing. I've had a cochlear implant since I was 8. I've been raised in the hearing world and don't know anyone who is deaf. I have taken an ASL class and I plan to take more as soon as possible.
  8. K

    Feedback on CI?

    Does anyone else have really bad feedback on their cochlear implant? Even when I turn the volume down or turn it a different way, it squeals and, quite frankly, freaks people out at school because they don't know what the heck it is.
  9. K

    Any interesting things about deaf culture?

    So, I'm hard of hearing, but I was raised in the world of hearing people. I started taking sign language at the beginning of the year, and I have started to want to learn more about deaf culture and maybe how to go about meeting people who are deaf so I can meet people who I can relate to. In my...
  10. K

    People who just stare at you?

    Sometimes if I ask someone to repeat themselves, they'll just stare at me like I'm crazy without saying anything and I'm like "Okay....awkward." This happen to anyone else?
  11. K

    Hearing-Impaired, Not a Vegetable!

    I live in a very small town, so I unfortunatley haven't met any deaf people. I took a sign language class at the blind and deaf school near where I live, but ironically no one in it was deaf.
  12. K

    Hearing-Impaired, Not a Vegetable!

    Sorry if I offended you with the term hearing impaired. I have been in the hearing world my whole life so I'm not really educated on deaf culture.
  13. K

    Hearing-Impaired, Not a Vegetable!

    So, I'm hearing-impaired and my mother made me get a baha implant (hearing aid) when I was 8 years old. I didn't want it at all, but I guess she felt she was doing what was best for me. I'm 17 now and we are constantly arguing because I can't keep up with it and don't wear it while driving. She...