Recent content by Jordan B

  1. J

    Poston's ASL Class what do you think?

    sorry my computer shut down but the ella's flashlight clip isn't working but basically she explains that she is proud to be called deaf mute and that the sign for deaf mute has been used for a long time and that all Deaf people sign it proudly she says "it can be empowering to reclaim for...
  2. J

    Poston's ASL Class what do you think?

    Hi im jordan {Mod Edit: Surname removed in respect to privacy issues ~RR} I posted on hearing aids and cochlear implants-feelings on cochlear implants this is what i said: Originally Posted by Cheri I don't mind those who wants a cochlear implants for themselves, but I don't believe...
  3. J

    Feelings on Cochlear implants

    Hi I am currently a second year ASL student and as we have been learning about the cochlear implant I agree that the child should be able to choose because I believe they should be part of the community they were born to be in. Also if say a hearing couple did give their deaf child a cochlear...