Recent content by JenniferLyn

  1. J

    Need advice on video chatting

    I have a Galaxy Tab 7- bigger than a phone - and I have no programs that I can lip read on. They are all too laggy. Skype on my computer is high enough quality sometimes to catch something here or there just based on lips, but even in person it isn't an exact science.
  2. J

    What role does music play in your life?

    I'm HOH since early childhood and when I was younger I played the piano and guitar. I think most people who can experience music say that it is important to them. My learning instruments was a way for me to better understand and appreciate it (though it was a ton of hard work and I don't know...
  3. J

    Deaf children who grew up in the hearing world only

    Haha, I really enjoyed reading these replies. I was always considered "in my own world," which was either attributed to my not being too bright (when I was very young) or my being very bright (when I got older), because I couldn't keep with the conversation. This was especially true when I'd...
  4. J

    Deaf Genes?

    Hello Wheelbarrow! Yes, in all probability your family has a genetic propensity for hearing loss. It would be statistically crazy (technical term :-P) to have that many Deaf/Hard of Hearing family members by coincidence. Also, hearing loss isn't generally associated vaccines. (There is...