Recent content by jenna

  1. jenna

    hi from milwaukee

    welcome to alldeaf, it's a great community. i've not been terribly active, but people are quick with useful advice, friendly posts and support so feel free to ask questions and enjoy!
  2. jenna

    New Girl from Cali

    hi regina! nice to meet you. i just moved to california (laguna) recently and am just figuring out things too. seems there's lots of people around to help out on here. i was thinking of going to some of the meetups ... i was told there's a deaf group who get together and have dinner periodically...
  3. jenna

    im new here

    welcome sunlight. i've been here awhile and never introduced myself (why? i'm a master procrastinator apparently) I hope you find a way to stay sane in the chaos, i think people here are pretty good about advice and it seems just a good natured group in general. I know the adjustment is...
  4. jenna

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    Still just figuring it all out thinking of everything and nothing. ॐ ommmm :aw: hows everyone today? happy monday.