Recent content by JayBoi

  1. J


    Oh I see, its not really something either of us had heard anything about over here in England. By all accounts for the most part here its Jewish and Muslim guys who mainly have it done. Didnt actually know they did it for anything other than religion until yesterday :o
  2. J

    Hearing aids interview =)

    Hi Stacey 1. What are your feelings about being hearing impaired? Having experienced life before and after hearing impairment I can honestly say it now does not bother me. At the time I felt rather annoyed but now its no real issue. 2. What are your feelings about wearing hearing aids? I...
  3. J


    Hi guys, my other half Nathan has been advised to get circumcised by a doctor today. Hes 26 and understandably quite worried about it. Basically his foreskin is quite tight whilst erect preventing it going back. Has anyone else had this issue or indeed circumcised? I myself am not so therefore...
  4. J

    How is your weather today part II

    Wind and light rain showers with hill fog in southern England temp 9.5c
  5. J

    Hi guys

    It has made a real difference to both of us in that we can be seen in consecutive appointments, we also use the saim aids which means things like batteries etc are trqnsferrable should one run out. More importantly im sure it makes us a stronger couple!
  6. J

    Hi guys

    Hi guys im Jay from Bristol, England. Im new to forums. Iv had hearing issues since 2007 when I had an industrial accident. Currently using blue Phonak Nathos MW aids with Red/Yellow moulds. I am in a steady relationship with Nathan who is also deaf, however he has been deaf since birth. Cant...