Recent content by greensparks

  1. G

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    I repeat: I have bionic ears! That is so cool! It's like something out of robocop. I think that hearing aids should all have titanium and flashing lights and tiny instrument panels and little arms that reach out and brush my hair out of my eyes for me. And maybe they could read to me. Oh, and...
  2. G

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    I apologize for the size of that image, but I don't know how to do an attachment Speaking of textures -- I found this on Westone's earmold materials site:
  3. G

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    Other companies went with that shape, huh? I love the metalic colors, but the shape is so eye-catching, that I just want to know more. Maybe there's something out there still available, maybe not. I am so sick of wearing boring hearing aids! It's just a pain. Hearing aids are high-tech and...
  4. G

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    From the website, it seems like they're designed specifically for Micro-Tech BTEs but I'll bet if you asked the audiologist, they'd know if it could conceivably fit on another aid. I like the EarWear idea ( but they just seem SO lame in comparison to how the faces ones...
  5. G

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    I have lurked and read this forum for a while but I just HAD to register because no one had posted this link in the thread yet: Check that out! I saw a girl on the bus the other day with just The Coolest HAs.. I fell in love with them right there...