Recent content by FaeryNuff

  1. FaeryNuff


    I'm not really a candidate for CI. I do fairly well with just the hearing aid, but I guess its time for a new one. The loss is profound, but I have no idea how to explain it. Everyone's loss is different.. Some can hear low frequencies but not high and vice versa. I can hear the tv most times...
  2. FaeryNuff


    When I was young I used to be able to use the T-coil but over the years my hearing jsut got worse and I wasn't able to use it. I know its not the hearing aid because its been this way for the last 3 aids I had. I have a profound loss, but I can hear most things if it gets jacked up enough...
  3. FaeryNuff


    I can't believe I've gone all these years and didn't know all the new things were available. I guess if push comes to shove I can always just use speakers with the mp3 player.
  4. FaeryNuff


    Never heard of it.. Tell me more? At one time I used a small microphone that connected to my hearing aid (Phonak) Is that what you mean?
  5. FaeryNuff


    I can't use those either because of the feedback.. the only way I can use any of them is to hold them over the microphone. Thats why I was hoping for the ear hook kind if they exist :(
  6. FaeryNuff


    Hi everyone I just found out recently about ear hooks and such, and I've been reading the forums and it seems like a lot of you are using them with your mp3 players fairly well. I *can* use regular headphones, but I have to hold them in position for my BTE, and then if they move you have the...
  7. FaeryNuff

    Hey Y'all

    Thank you for the warm welcome, I feel at home already :) I'll check into Georgia Council for the Hearing Impaired, I've been doing some reading and I'm finding out about all kinds of things I didn't even know existed! Ear hooks? I never knew! Thanks all :)
  8. FaeryNuff

    Hey Y'all

    I just discovered this site today. I've been reading here and there and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Rhonda and I live in Georgia. I have a mild/moderate form of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I haven't broken any bones since I was 12, so I guess I've gotten better about staying...